Our Spectrometers


  • Bruker Avance III HD console
  • TopSpin 3.6.1
  • High-sensitivity 5mm TCI cryoprobe for 1H/13C/15N detection
  • SampleJet, which accommodates 3mm or 5mm ’standard’ NMR tubes in the ~96 positions around the carousel, and also has racks that hold up to 96 3mm or 5mm short NMR tubes. The samples in the racks can be temperature controlled prior to and after data acquisition. IconNMR can be used to automate data collection.


  • Bruker Avance III HD console
  • TopSpin 3.2
  • High-sensitivity 5mm TCI cryoprobe for 1H/13C/15N detection



  • Bruker Avance III HD console
  • TopSpin 3.2.6
  • High-sensitivity 5mm TCI cryoprobe for 1H/13C/15N detection, with 1H channel also tunable to 19F



  • Bruker Avance II console
  • TopSpin 3.1
  • A 5mm room temperature broadband probe tuneable to a range of nuclei including 7Li, 13C, 15N, 17O, 31P and 23Na
  • Sample carousel
  • Operates as a walk-up spectrometer using IconNMR